It is advisable to check with local zoning or land use authority regarding any limitations that may exist regarding use of accessory structures on you property, as zoned. Behm Design offers many garage plans with loft designs to find just the right size and style to build.
Garages with loft designs can be built several different ways. Attic trusses are probably the most economical overall because they use the efficiency of a truss to carry the attic space, its floor and roof overall - all within the truss profile. In a garage plan truss the loads are spread throughout the truss using thin steel plates connecting wood members, a network of great efficiency. Wood components can be much smaller than wood members used as simple spanning joists and rafters. They are totally engineered for the application with correct floor, roof and other applied forces. You can also specify slope, shape, shoulder height and floor load capacity for your garage plan preference.
Loft garages can also be built using simple spanning members, joists and rafters. Many Behm Design garage plans with loft utilize I-joists which are made with wood products, veneers and OSB material, and designed to span larger distances, i.e. over 20 ft with no intermediate post and beam support. This scheme allows the garage space to have no obstructions at all - and that is much preferred. Customers have occasionally use floor trusses instead of I-joists as a substitution. Garage loft plans can also utilize smaller, dimensional lumber, for joists with an intermediate line of posts and beams as a bearing line. It is less costly than the long span I-joists but does require having some posts within the garage space. Behm Design was the first garage plans company to design innovative garage plans with lofts using both attic truss designs and I-joist floor systems. The plans have been very popular for over 10 years and we have kept them up to date with building codes.
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